High Conversion Results Not On Page One
Uncover the in-demand content buried deep in search results. High Conversion Results Not On Page One tracks clicks on results with rank 11 or higher.
Once content managers or support managers have a list of the documents that search users have to navigate to page two or beyond to find, they can:
- Boost the low-ranking documents for most popular queries
- Rewrite the documents with search engine optimization in mind
They can take other measures to improve search experience as well.
Core Report
The main report consists of three columns: Documents, Clicks, and Sessions.
The leftmost column. It contains the titles of each document that was clicked on a rank 11 or higher. Instance users can find a document in the list using the search function.
The central column in the report shows the number of sessions a particular document was clicked. From the first row in the next image, you can see that the document "8 Key Considerations While Adopting a Chatbot for Your Enterprise" has been clicked "12" times. The column is sorted in the descending order of the activity column.
On clicking a hyperlink value in the Sessions column, a new dialog opens. The dialog contains a six metrics:
- Session Identifier. The ID of the session in which a document is clicked. This column is searchable, so that if you have the session ID you can quickly find out if and how many times a document was clicked in the session.
- Email ID. The email address of the user who clicked the document. The row is empty on platforms that aren't gated. The column is searchable, so that you can quickly find out if and how many times a user clicked a document.
- Activity Time. The time when a document is clicked. This column is sortable.
- Search Query. The query for which the document is clicked. This column is searchable.
- Facet Selected. Lists the applied facets when a document is clicked. To view the facets, click More Details.
- Click Position. The rank of the clicked document. The column is sortable.
The rightmost column in the report. It shows show many times a particular document is clicked by all users and across all sessions. The documents appear in the descending number of clicks. From the first row in the next image, you can see that the document "Beyond Round-Robin Roder: H..." has been clicked once.
On clicking a row in the Clicks column, the report expands and a new dialog appears to the right. The dialog contains a row column, Number (#), and two metrics: Search Query and Count.
- Search Query. The actual keyword(s) for which the document is clicked.
- Count. How many times a query is run and the document clicked.
It captures the number of times documents were clicked but these documents were not present on the first page (top 10 results).
This report uncovers the in-demand content buried deep in search results. It captures the number of times documents were clicked but these documents were not present on the first page.
The Admin can look back into the user journey for these sessions and find the keywords which were searched for these documents and apply boosting to them. The next time users search for the same keywords, these clicked documents will be shown up on the first page.
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Last updated: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
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