Install a Search Client in Drupal

Find information faster on Drupal with SearchUnify. This article walks you through the process of installing a SearchUnify search client in Drupal.

Installation Overview


  • Drupal admin login credentials.
  • Download the zipped Drupal search client for your instance. Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 produce two separate zip files. Select the correct platform.
  • Provision key; contact a SearchUnify representative to obtain it

Install a Search Client in Drupal

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Extract the folder and copy it to /sites/all/modules in /root through FTP or Git.
  3. Log into Drupal as an admin.
  4. Click Manage Link > Modules to enable SearchUnify Drupal Connector.
  5. Open the configuration page by clicking the configuration link.
  6. Enter your UID, Provision Key, and Endpoint URL on the configuration page.
  7. Hit Configuration to save your settings.


A SearchUnify search client on Drupal.

Last updatedTuesday, November 9, 2021

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