Attach a File to a Case

You can attach images, PDFs, videos, and several other kinds of files with your case to add details. This article walks you through the steps of attaching a file to a case.


  • Files supported
    • Images: PNG, GIF
    • Docs: DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT
    • Data: CSV, XLSX
    • Multimedia: Mp4, MOV
  • Maximum size: 3MB for a file. If you are uploading more than one files, the cumulative size of all the files cannot exceed 20MB.

Attach a File to a Case

  1. Click Upload your file.

  2. A dialog will appear. Find your file and double click it to upload.

  3. The file will be uploaded and attached with the case to submit.

Last updatedFriday, June 10, 2022

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