Set up Community Helper
Community Helper is akin to an entire team of support representatives, compacted into a sophisticated bot. Once installed, it continuously scans for new threads that have not been timely answered. Utilizing its NLP analyzers, search capabilities, and built-in built templates, Community Helper responds directly to the original poster. An admin can configure the time period Community Helper waits before intervening. The period can range from as little as 10 minutes to as long as 3 days.
This article will guide you through the installation and configuration process of Community Helper.
Community Helper works only on Salesforce and Khoros communities.
An admin can set up one bot for each community.
Install Community Helper
- From the main navigation, select Apps and then choose Install New App.
- Locate Community Helper in the list and proceed with the installation.
Upon successful installation, a new tab for Community Helper will appear in Apps > Community Helper.
Create Your First Bot
- From the main navigation, select Community Helper.
- As an admin, you can create a new bot for each community. Begin by clicking Add New Bot.
- Each bot requires a unique label for easy identification. Assign a label to your bot and click Continue.
- Choose the community where the bot will operate. Community Helper is compatible with two platforms: Salesforce and Lithium.
- Select a search client and click Save to finalize the creation of your bot. To understand why selecting a search client is important, refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this page.
If the bot creation process is successful, the new bot will be visible on the Community Helper screen.
Authorize Yourself
The first step in authorizing your identity is to open the edit settings, which can be done by clicking .
Next, follow one of the following processes.

- Pick either Production or Sandbox in Client URL.
- Select OAuth in Authentication Method and click Connect.
- A dialog will open, asking you to log into your community. Sign in to authorize.
- On successful authorization, a dropdown will appear. Click
on Choose Your Community.
- Select your community and save.

- Enter your community address in Client URL.
- Select either OAuth or HTAccess to authorize yourself. The first method requires a client ID and a client secret. The second method requires an SearchUnify admin to enter, besides a client ID and client secret, HTAccess username and HTAccess password.
- Click Connect.
- A dialog will open, asking you to log into your community. Sign in to authorize.
After authorization, you will be directed to the Download Endpoint screen
Create an Endpoint
Instructions for creating an endpoint are provided in a text file, which you can obtain by clicking Download.
Select Content Sources
The bot aids community users by recommending knowledge articles, solved threads, and other documents from your content sources. On the Content Source screen, an admin can determine the bot's search scope — whether it should encompass all content sources or be limited to selected ones.
Compose Templates
- Begin by determining when the bot should activate and publish a response. This can be set up in the Personalized Response screen, under the Schedule Response section.
- Click Add New Template.
- A dialog box will appear. Fill in the necessary details to create a template:
- Agent Name. The bot's name in the community, visible to community members.
- Agent Email. The bot's email address in the community, also visible to members.
- Designation. The bot's job profile within the community.
- Create a Response. Compose your template in this text box using response tags and post fields as placeholders. Refer to the Troubleshooting section to learn more about response tags and post fields.
- Template Name. Assign a label to your template for easy identification, especially useful if managing multiple templates.
- Save your template.
- OPTIONAL: Repeat steps 1-4 to create additional templates.
- Once all templates are created, save them.
- Finally, activate the bot on the Community Helper screen.
A community bot in action.

The core components of a Community Bot are its language analyzer and responder. The language analyzer discerns the topic of a new thread by extracting keywords from the initial post. These keywords are then relayed to the responder. The responder, in turn, searches for these keywords in your content sources using the selected search client.

Response tags represent the properties of the top results that the responder retrieves. As shown in the image, there are three properties: Response Title (a placeholder for the title of the first search result), Response URL (a placeholder for the web address of the first search result), and Summary (a placeholder for the meta description of the first search result). Drag these tags to the appropriate places in your template.

Post fields are properties unique to your Khoros or Salesforce community, and their availability largely depends on the community's setup. Some communities may have only a few post fields, while others could have as many as 10. The image displays seven post fields: Title, Description, Parent Category, Created Date, Board, Author Name, and Tags. You have the flexibility to use one, two, or all of these fields.