Content Source

A content source is a server (local or cloud) used to store data. It can be small (a local server) or huge (a data warehouse). The data stored could be in just a single format (the videos on YouTube) or it could be in multiple formats (standard and custom objects in Salesforce). Many enterprises use cloud content sources, such as Github (code snippets), Salesforce (transaction records), Jira (product issues), and Lithium (posts and threads of an online community).


Large documents impact search performance. A document is what's returned in search results. It can be an HTML page, a Jira issue, a knowledge article, a Khoros community post, a Google Drive file, or any object in your content source. So to maintain performance, an upper size limit of 16 MB has been introduced. If textual content in all the content fields of a document exceeds 16MB, then it's not crawled.

Scenario 1: You've to crawl Zendesk articles and you've indexed three fields: Title, Description, and Publication Status. If the text in all those fields amounts to 16MB or more, then the issue is not crawled.

Scenario 2: You've to crawl Zendesk articles and you've indexed four fields: Title, Description, Publication Status, and Attachments. In this case, the crawler first extracts text from the attached file and then measures its size. If the combined size of the text stored in all the six indexed files is less than 16MB, then it'll be crawled.

Supported Platforms

SearchUnify supports over 40 platforms, including Salesforce, Higher Logic (Vanilla and Thrive), Adobe Experience Manager, websites among others. Each of these platforms can be indexed and searched within a few clicks. Admins can connect several of them to SearchUnify, although the recommended practice is to connect only one of its kind.

To view all the SearchUnify-compatible content sources, first navigate to Content Sources and then click Add new content source.

The content sources are categorized into seven parts: Cloud Storage, Collaboration, Content Management System, CRM and Support, Learning Management System, Search Engine, and Others. On the screen itself, but not in the dropdown, there is an eighth category: Popular, where you can find the most frequently-used content sources on the SearchUnify platform.

Use the dropdown to find all the content sources in a category.

Another way to look for a content source is to use the search box. Simply enter the name. ou will see results as soon you start typing.

Supported Languages

SearchUnify can crawl, index, and search content in more than 30 languages, including Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Thai.

Installed and New Content Sources

on the content source tab shows it has already been installed. You can see in the next image that YouTube and Vimeo are already installed but Box, Dropbox, Github, and Google Drive aren't.

In case you spot a , you can safely assume that the content source was added in the previous release. In the next image, you can see that SkillJar is a newcomer.

In order to install a content source, click Add (red). To find its official documentation, click Know More (blue).

In case a content source is not found, you can suggest it as an idea in the SearchUnify Community. Simply click Create an Idea in SearchUnify Community.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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