Index RSS Feeds

The easiest way to search through RSS feeds content is to link the feeds to SearchUnify RSS Crawler. Once linked, SearchUnify indexes the content as soon as it appears. You can limit indexing to the latest batch or keep all content in the index. Up to twelve content fields are supported, including links, descriptions, and titles.


SearchUnify ignores user permissions during searches. All indexed files can be search by all users.

Establish a Connection

  1. Navigate to Content Sources.

  2. Click Add New Content Source.

  1. Find RSS through the search box and click Add.
  2. One or multiple RSS feeds are indexed as a content source, which requires a name. Give it a descriptive appellation in Name.
  3. Each RSS feed has a URL, usually ending in .rss or .xml. Enter the one or multiple URLs in Client URL. If you are entering multiple URLs, use commas to separate them.
  4. Select the content language in Language. You can select multiple languages if your RSS feed content is in more than one language. English is selected by default.
  5. Let's assume that you obtain 100 articles from all your RSS feeds everyday. In a year, you will have an index of 36,500 articles. Turn on Retain Historical Data in the Index if you want to search through all these 36,500 articles after a year. Keep it turned off if you want to limit search to the 100 latest articles.


The settings in Frequency have no impact on the RSS Crawler. The index is updated on how frequency RSS feed streams in new content.


Rules allow you to define the RSS content fields to be indexed. A total of 12 content fields are supported: Channel Title, Channel Description, Channel Link, Channel LastBuildDate, Language, Item GUID, Item Title, Item Description, Item Category, Item Link, Item Published Date, and Comments. For example, if you add only Channel Title, then you cannot look up an article through its URL. For this reason, it's recommended to index all the fields. That makes search experience seamless.

  1. To start with, write Items in Object and Label and click Add.
  2. Open Items for editing and add all the supported fields: Channel Title, Channel Description, Channel Link, Channel LastBuildDate, Language, Item GUID, Item Title, Item Description, Item Category, Item Link, Item Published Date, and Comments.
  3. Save the settings.

Return to Content Sources and run a manual crawl.

If the number count in Documents edges upwards, you have successfully configured RSS field(s) for indexing.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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