Obtain Client ID and Client Secret for SharePoint Authentication

Client ID and Client Secret are required to authenticate SearchUnify-SharePoint connection through OAuth. To obtain the ID and secret, you have to create an app, create a secret ID, and assign the app permissions.

Create an app

Only Microsoft Azure admins can create the app to establish a connection. Other users will get an error.

  1. Sign into Azure.

  2. Switch to the tenant where the application will be registered.

  3. Find Azure Active Directory.

  4. In Manage, open App registrations.

  5. Click New registration.

  6. Enter registration details: 

    • In the top field, enter app name. In the image, "SearchUnify" is used for illustration.

    • Select an appropriate account type in Supported account types. In the image, "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)" has been chosen.

    • In Redirect URI, chose type Web and enter its value https://oauthsfdc.searchunify.com, as it is shown in the image.

  7. Click Register. You will be taken to the application page. Copy the Client ID from there.

Create secret ID

  1. On the application page, click Certificates & secrets.

  2. Click New client secret.

  3. Enter a short text in Description and set Expires to "24 months (730 days)". Then, click Add.

  4. Copy the Secret ID. NOTE. This is the first and last time you will see the secret ID on the app. Please copy it and store it for further use.

Assign API permissions

  1. Go to Manage > API permissions.

  2. Click Add a permission.

  3. Scroll down to find SharePoint. Open it.

  4. Select Delegated Permissions.

  5. Check AllSites.Read, TeamMember.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, Team.ReadBasic.All, and User.Read.All. Then, click Add Permissions.

  6. Click Add a permission and scroll down to find SharePoint.

  7. Select Applications Permissions.

  8. Check Sites.Read.All, TeamMember.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, Team.ReadBasic.All, and User.Read.All. Then, click Add Permissions.

  9. Click Add a permission again. Open Microsoft Graph


  10. Check Sites.Read.All, TeamMember.Read.All, and User.Read.All first in Delegated permissions and then in Applications permissions.

  11. Click Grant admin consent to permit both Delegated and Application apps.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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