Use Vimeo As a Content Source

Index Vimeo for the use of your employees and customers. SearchUnify can index the videos uploaded on your channel and the videos on the channels that you have subscribed to.


SearchUnify ignores user permissions during searches. All indexed files can be search by all users.


  • You should have access to the channels and folders to be crawled.

Establish a Connection

  1. Navigate to Content Sources.

  2. Click Add New Content Source.

  1. Select Vimeo.

  2. Give your content source a name and click Connect.

  3. A window will pop up asking you to let SearchUnify index your videos on Vimeo. Click Allow.

  4. Click Next.

Set Up Crawl Frequency

The first crawl is always manual and is performed after configuring the content source. In Choose A Date, select a date to start crawling; the data created after the selected date will be crawled. For now, keep the frequency to its default value Never and click Set and move to the next section.

Select Video Properties and Channels for Indexing

Each video on Vimeo has several properties or identifiers, such as the title, comments, channel, and post time. You can select to index each of these properties or only a few of them.

  1. Click to select videoproperties for indexing.

  2. Use or to edit or remove properties and click Save.

  3. Navigate to By Channels. All your projects and channels are listed here. Use the index to find a project or channel and check a box in Enable to select it.

  4. After making a selection, click Save.

After the First Crawl

Return to the Content Sources screen and click in Actions. The number of indexed documents is updated after the crawl is complete. You can view crawl progress in in Actions. Documentation on crawl progress is in View Crawl Logs.


Review the settings in Rules if there is no progress in Crawl Logs.


For Mamba '22 and newer instances, search isn't impacted during a crawl. However, in older instances, some documents remain inaccessible while a crawl is going on.

Once the first crawl is complete, click in Actions open the content source for editing, and set a crawl frequency.

  1. In Choose a Date, click to fire up a calendar and select a date. Only the data after the selected date is indexed.

  2. Use the Frequency dropdown to select how often SearchUnify should index the data. For illustration, the frequency has been set to Weekly and Tuesday has been chosen as the crawling day. Whenever the Frequency is other than Never, a third dropdown appears where you can specify the interval. Also, whenever Frequency is set to Hourly, then manual crawls are disabled.

  3. Click Set to save crawl frequency settings. On clicking Set, you are taken to the Rules tab.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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