SearchUnify APIs

SearchUnify APIs belong to the category of RESTful APIs. They are powerful, easy to use, and secure. Using them, you can:

  • Use any data repository can be used as a content source (View Content API for details)
  • Power search on any website or platform with SearchUnify (View Search API for details)
  • Monitor, collect, and export analytics data from an instance (View Analytics API for details)

First Time Users

All SearchUnify customers can consume the APIs after creating an app and obtaining access and refresh tokens. The app verifies your instance and the refresh token enables you to generate access tokens and use them in calls to the SearchUnify server. If this is your first time using the APIs, check out the following articles first:

API Limits

Learn about the limits on APIs to plan calls in a secure and reliable way. The details are on SearchUnify API Limits.

APIs on Swagger

To run the APIs on Swagger, use https://{{yourinstanceurl}}, where {{yourinstanceurl}} is the first part of your SearchUnify instance.


Besides APIs, the Developer Guides section documents how you can Secure a Web Search Client with Middleware.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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