Search Analytics FAQ

It can happen because of two reasons:
- Users are searching for locked-in data without signing in.
- Access control settings prevent some users from viewing some data.
- Users are employing facets and/or advanced search features.

Any click on a PDF file is reflected in Conversions.

Two potential reasons:
- An overuse of facets and advanced search features can cause document, that's usually on the top for a keyword X, to disappear from search results altogether. You can confirm this hypothesis in the Mamba 20 Searches With No Result report, which captures the context of search as well.
- The content source with the right document was being crawled when a user ran the search.

Go to Search Analytics > Overview > Search Report > Search Classifications > Search With No Result and click on any number in the Sessions column.

Two reports in the Content Gap Analysis section have the Successive Searches with Clicks panel: Searches with No Clicks and Searches with No Result.
Searches with No Clicks
A user looked up keyword_1
. There were results but no document was clicked open. Then the same user employed ran a search for keyword_2
and this time clicked on a result. keyword_2
will be in the Successive Searches with Clicks panel.
In case a user runs through several searches, such has keyword_1
, keyword_2
, keyword_3
... but clicks a document only after searching for keyword_n
, then only the keyword_n
will be captured in Successive Searches with Clicks.
Searches with No Result
Same as Searches with No Clicks.

Views. It includes all the pages visited by the user while browsing your website.
Clicks. It includes only the search results (links) which were opened by the users.

A conversion is a click.

The Session Tracking report enables you to
- Select top searched keywords and study user behavior (content gaps, related searches, case creation, and popular content).
- Peruse the behavior of premium customers to understand their needs and assess their account health.
- Monitor how upgrades and announcements influence user activity.

The order of results is on the basis of number of most visited results.

It usually happens when a session starts on Day 1 and lasts into Day 2.
Take the following example: A session starts at 11 p.m. on January 20 and ends at 1 a.m. on January 21. During the session, a user creates a case at 11:30 p.m.
Now, according to the session tracking report, the case was created on January 21 because the session ended on January 21.
But the total cases report will show that no case was created on January 21, because it was actually created at 11:30 p.m. on January 20.

The numbers on Analytics 1.0 and 2.0 are different when the date range on Analytics 2.0 is other than the past week. It is because the reports on Home in Analytics 1.0 always display the past week's data. The numbers don't change despite selecting a different date range. It was a bug and it has been fixed in Analytics 2.0. When you select a custom date range in Analytics 2.0, the numbers are displayed for the selected time.

A week after the month, for which you want the numbers, has ended. If you want the Searches With No Results report for September, then run it on October 7 or later. Doing otherwise can produce reports with incorrect numbers. We are working on reducing this time period from a week to a day.