Manage Users

In large organizations where multiple teams use SearchUnify concurrently, Manage Users enables admins to configure access permissions. This precaution ensures that teams cannot inadvertently edit another team's content source or search client. Within Manage Users, admins have the ability to add or remove users, modify user roles and scopes, set up a hosted index, and integrate their identity management software with SearchUnify.

Users roles in SearchUnify

Users roles in SearchUnify are of three kinds:

  1. Super Admin. Each instance can have one or up to two Super Admins. A Super Admin has the authority to add or remove Admins or Moderators, alter access control settings for any role, and make API calls.
  2. Admin. An Admin has the capability to add and delete Moderators, and configure access for Moderators. While an Admin can appoint new Admins, they cannot remove existing ones.
  3. Moderator. A Moderator's abilities are restricted to what an Admin assigns and do not include adding or removing users.

When adding a new user, you can assign them the role of Admin or Moderator, but not Super Admin. To designate a new user as a Super Admin, first assign them the role of Admin and then contact the SearchUnify team.

Manage Users Features

Various configurations can be performed in the Manage Users tab.

  • Access Control Settings. Only for Super Admins. They can configure access rights for admins and moderators. Three settings are available: 
    • Public. All users can see and edit all search clients and content sources.
    • Private. All users can see all search clients and content sources, but edit access is limited to the team to which the content source or search client belongs.
    • Protected. Users can only see the search clients and content sources which belong to their team.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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