Search Experience Feedback

Search Experience Feedback keeps you on top of how relevant search results are for the end-users. The latest feedback is at the top. The report consists of five columns: 

  • Search Query. The last keyword string searched by a user before they gave feedback. It can be blank if a user gives feedback without ever searching.

  • Clicked Result. The last document clicked by a user before they gave feedback. The column contains the article title and a hyperlink to the article. Next to the title on the left is a the document rank. In the image you can see that "SearchUnify setup for a salesforce..." ranked four when it was clicked. The field can be blank if a user rates search without clicking a document.

  • Rating. End-user rating on a scale of 1-5. The column is blank if an end-user provides only textual feedback.

  • Text Feedback. End-user feedback on a document. It's a long message. The field can be blank if an end-user doesn't give textual feedback or if the textual feedback feature is inactivated from the SU admin panel. Click on a message to read the complete feedback.

  • Reported By. This column shows the email of the user who has given the feedback

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Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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