Exclude Values from Filters

Exclude is used to remove facet values from filters. Consider a scenario, where you don't want users to filter results by the value Apps in the filer Documentation Category (see the image). That value can be removed easily with the Exclude button.

Removing a value from a filter doesn't impact results. Users can still find documentation on Apps, but they cannot limit search to app docs.

Remove Content Field Values

  1. Navigate to Search Clients and open a search client for editing.

  2. Switch to the Content Sources tab. Then select a content source and a content type.

  3. Move the slider to the right to find the column Exclude. Because we are removing a value from the field Documentation Category, we will click Exclude against this field.

  4. Enter a value in Exclude Bucket Values and click Save. To insert multiple values, separate them by comma. Don't add a space after the comma. The correct way to exclude values App and App1 is to add app,app1.

  5. Click Save.


The value Apps has disappeared from the filter Documentation Category.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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