Custom Tuning: Boost most popular and latest documents

Enhance search results on your search client by adjusting document ranking based on these factors:

  • Solved (Discussion Status): Prioritize resolved discussions in search results.

  • Title (Keyword Match in Titles): Prioritize results with keywords matching the search query in their titles.

  • Click Boosting Base (Popularity): Prioritize results with higher click-through rates.

  • Decay Rate (Age): Reduce the ranking of older results over time.

To access custom settings, choose a search client and enable Custom Boosting on the right.


This feature is exclusively available on search clients installed on communities, such as Salesforce Community and Khoros communities. When a user searches for a topic and multiple discussion threads are found, the threads with the status "solved" are prioritized and displayed before unresolved threads. The level of prioritization can be adjusted using the "Solved" slider. A multiplier value of 1 has no effect on solved threads. However, any other value, such as , increases the relevance score of solved threads by times, making them more likely to appear higher in the search results.


The Title boosting feature prioritizes documents in search results based on how closely their titles match the search query. This means that if a keyword in the search query appears in the title of a document, that document will be more likely to appear at the top of the search results. The strength of this boosting effect can be controlled by an administrator using a slider.

A multiplier value of 1 has no effect. However, any other value, such as , increases the relevance score of title match by times, making them more likely to appear higher in the search results.

The Title boosting feature is not automatically enabled. To activate it, please reach out to your SearchUnify representative. In your email, clearly indicate which object field you want associated with the Title field.

Click Boosting Rate

The Click Boosting Rate feature prioritizes documents based on their popularity, with more frequently clicked documents ranking higher in search results. The algorithm employed for ranking follows a logarithmic curve, ensuring that a document with a significant click count, such as 1500 clicks, receives a substantially higher ranking compared to a document with a lower click count, such as 10 clicks, over the same period. This logarithmic approach ensures that documents with similar click counts, such as 1450 and 1500 clicks, are ranked within a similar range, preventing drastic disparities in ranking between documents with marginally different click counts.

In the default configuration, if a document D has been clicked on 10 times for a keyword K, then D's relevance score is automatically increased by approximately 30% for that keyword. Administrators have the flexibility to modify this boost rate. To do so, simply click anywhere within the Click Boosting Base field and replace the default value of 10 with a different integer.

Hovering the cursor over shows the new boost rate.

By default, clicks from all search clients are considered when calculating the Click Boosting Rate. For instance, if you have two main search clients—one for employees and one for customers—clicks from both clients will be incorporated into the boost rate. However, administrators can alter this default setting to limit click tracking to specific search clients. This customization is particularly useful when you want to prevent customers' search behavior from influencing the search results on the employees' search client and vice versa. Additionally, marketing and sales teams might opt to isolate click data to prevent the preferences of one demographic from spilling over into the experiences of another.

To limit click tracking to the search client currently selected in the Select Search Client menu, uncheck the Include Clicks from All Search Clients checkbox, which is currently enabled by default. This action will ensure that only clicks from the selected search client are considered when calculating the Click Boosting Rate.

Attach to Case Boosting

Attach-to-Case Boosting works like Click Boosting Rate, but it differs in three key aspects:

  • Only for Salesforce: Attach-to-Case Boosting is exclusively applicable to Salesforce environments.

  • Requires an Addon: Attach-to-Case Boosting requires the installation of its near-namesake SearchUnify add-on within the Salesforce organization.

  • Boosting is Based on Clicks: Instead of relying on click counts, Attach-to-Case Boosting prioritizes articles based on the frequency with which support representatives link them to cases. The higher the linking frequency, the greater the likelihood of an article appearing in search results.

Similar to Click Boosting Rate, administrators can control the rate at which articles rise in search results.

Date Boosting

SearchUnify prioritizes recently-created documents in search results by default. This means that a newer document, such as Release Notes 2023, appears ahead of older document like Release notes 2022 and Release notes 2021. Using the setting Offset, you can pick a period after which a published document is considered old. The period can be as short as one month or as long as three years.

Once the Offset period has elapsed, the relevancy score of the newly-created documents gradually decreases over a time period known as Scale. After this Scale period, the relevancy score stabilizes and remains constant. The Scale period can range from 1 month to 3 years.

The rate at which the relevancy score decreases during the Scale period is determined by a third setting called Decay Rate. Once the Scale period ends, the relevancy score of the document settles at its Old Relevancy Score multiplied by the Decay Rate.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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