Boost documents based on field values

Field-based boosting allows you to use the value to field to influence ranking. A use case can be to boost the most viewed discussions for all keywords on a Khoros community.

The tuning can be applied on

Field-based boosters

Two field-based boosters are available. Count based boosting (+ve & ve) is for fields that store integer values. Examples of fields with integer values are the Likes field in YouTube and Views field in Khoros.

Count based boosting (+ve & -ve)

Count based boosting (+ve & -ve) is applied to place a negative or a positive correlation between ranking and a field value.

To apply boosting, check Count based boosting (+ve & -ve) and give the boosting a value between -10 and 10. A value between 0 and 10 ensures that the more the value is in a field the higher its rank will be. It's recommended to keep the value positive for fields such as views and likes. A value between -10 and 0 means that the less the value is in a field the higher its rank will be. It's recommended to keep the value negative for fields such as downvotes.

Field values matching keywords

Field values matching keywords is mainly used on fields that hold short strings, such has tags, author names, channel names, and priority. Apply this booster to present documents with certain tags, authors, or case types first. For example, you can boost those Salesforce cases that have Priority set to “High” or “Critical.”

To insert multiple values, expand Configure field values.

Find values using the search box, select them, and click Add.

You can club together values using Group more values and use to delete a group.

After creating a group, use the slider to pick a booster value. A value of 1.2 means that the default ranking score for all videos in the channels SearchUnify, SearchUnify docs, and SearchUnify community increases 1.2 times.

Apply field-based boosting

  1. From Search Tuning, go to Manual > Content Tuning.

  2. Select a search client where field-based boosting will be applied. Then, enable Content Boosting.

  3. Expand a content source, click in a field, and apply boosters.

  4. Click Compare & Save.

  5. Review the impact of changes. The documents in the left section are the boosting results. You can find the position of documents before boosting in Old Rank and boosted position in New Rank. The contribution of each factor is sandwiched between these two. To make comparison easier, the right section offers two search result feeds: Live Search and Basic Search. The first compares boosted results on the left with the results on your production search client. The second compares the boosted results on the left with a hypothetical scenario when no boosting is applied. If the new tuning live up to your expectations, then click Apply Changes. Else, click Cancel to discard all changes.

Delete Field Value-Based Boosting

To delete field value-based boosting on a field, find the field and open settings.

In the dialog, that has opened, select None.

You will get an Alert: Your boosting config will be lost. Click OK to proceed with deletion.

Last updatedWednesday, July 24, 2024

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