Prepare Your ServiceNow Instance for OAuth Authentication

OAuth authentication is a secure way to connect SearchUnify with ServiceNow. To establish a connection, you will have to create a ServiceNow endpoint.

Create a ServiceNow Endpoint for SearchUnify

  1. Navigate to Application Registry from Filter Navigator.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.
  4. Name your endpoint and ensure the Application scope is Global.
  5. Click and enter in Redirect URL.
  6. Increase Access Token Lifespan to 8,640,000 milliseconds (1 day).
  7. (OPTIONAL) Enter in Logo URL.
  8. Press Submit.

  9. Copy the Client Secret and Client ID and return to Use Service Now As a Content Source

Last updatedFriday, February 26, 2021

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