Field Mapping Between Discourse and SearchUnify

The following chart explains the relationship between the how field mapping works between SearchUnify and Discourse. You can the see the maps and examples of each field.

Search Field Name Fields from API Response & Description Visual Representation at Discourse Frontend
url url * (Url of the topic)

draft-key draft_key (Key of the topic)
id id (Id of the topic)

title title (Title of the topic)

slug slug (Slug is more readable form of title)

posts_count posts_count (Count of the posts under the topic)
reply_count reply_count (Total number of replies to the topic)

post_time created_at (The time at which the topic is posted)
last_posted_at last_posted_at (The time at which a post was last posted under the topic)

cooked cooked *
last_poster_username last_poster_username (The user who posted the last post under topic)

views views (Total view under the topic)

category_id category_id (The category id to which the topic belongs to)
like_count like_count (The number of likes to a topic)

tags tags (The relevant tags to a topic)

categories_name categories_name * (The category name to which the topic belongs to)