Field Mapping Between Jira and SearchUnify
This article visualizes the mapping between the fields found on the Jira frontend and the SearchUnify fields under the tab Jira Content Source > Edit > Rules. Using this document you can pick the right fields for crawling and indexing in SearchUnify.
Here's an example: The highlighted area in the image is called issueNumber in Jira but its name in SearchUnify is Key.
Search Field Name | Fields Path from API Response & Description | Visual Representation at Jira Front-End |
projectName | ['fields', 'project', 'name'] (Name of the Project for this issue) | |
Name | ['fields', 'summary'] ( name of the issue) | |
issueUrl | issueUrl (Url of the issue) | |
projectUrl | projectUrl (Project url) | Project URL associated with that issue |
resolution_status | ['fields', 'resolution', 'name'] (Issue’s Resolution status) | |
resolution_description | ['fields', 'resolution', 'description'] (Issue’s Resolution description) |
Based on the resolution status, the description is decided. |
lastViewed | ['fields', 'lastViewed'] (timestamp indicating the last time a particular user viewed an issue) | The value of the "lastViewed" field is a timestamp in a specific format, typically represented as a combination of date and time, such as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS." This value is updated whenever a user views an issue, allowing Jira to keep track of the most recent view activity. Please note that the "lastViewed" field is not directly visible in the Jira UI but is more commonly utilized in Jira APIs and data exports for integration and reporting purposes. |
priority | ['fields', 'priority', 'name'] (Priority of the issue) | |
labels | ['fields', 'labels'] (Labels associated with issue) | |
issueLinks | issueLinks (Linked issues id and URL concatenated) | |
authorName | ['fields', 'creator', 'displayName'] (Name of Creator of issue) | |
voteCount | ['fields', 'votes', 'votes'] (Number of votes on the issue) | |
status | ['fields', 'status', 'name'] (Status of the issue) | |
watchCount | ['fields', 'watches', 'watchCount'] (Total number of watches in issue) | |
description | ['fields', 'description'] ( description of the issue) | |
assignee | ['fields', 'assignee', 'displayName'] ( assignee of the issue) | |
timespent | ['fields', 'timespent'] (Time spent on the issue) | |
aggregatetimespent | ['fields', 'aggregatetimespent'] (Aggregate time spent on the issue) | Calculated by time tracking |
resolutiondate | ['fields', 'resolutiondate'] (The "Resolution Date" field indicates the date and time when the issue was resolved.) | |
watches | ['fields', 'watches', 'watchCount'] (Watch the count of issue) | |
workratio | ['fields', 'workratio'] (The "workratio" field is a system-calculated field that represents the ratio of completed work to the total estimated work on an issue. It provides an indication of the progress made on the issue.) | |
duedate | ['fields', 'duedate'] (Due date for the issue) | |
comments | Comments on the issue | |
commentCount | Count of comments on the issue | |
issueNumber | Key (issue number) | |
subtasks | Subtasks (Subtasks for the issue) | |
reporter | ['fields', 'reporter', 'displayName'] (Reporter of the issue) | |
aggregateprogress | ['fields', 'aggregateprogress', 'total'] (Aggregate progress for the issue) | Returned by api |
progress | ['fields', 'progress', 'total'] (Progress for the issue) | Returned by api |
thumbnail | ['fields', 'thumbnail'] (thumbnail for the issue) | Returned by api |
updated | ['fields', 'updated'] (Issue last update on) | Returned by api |
workLog | ['fields', 'worklog'] (Work logs for issue) | |
type | ['fields', 'issuetype', 'name'] (type of the issue) | |
fixVersionsDetail | fixVersionsDetail (The "Fix Version" field helps track the resolution of issues and associate them with specific versions or releases of the software.) |