Field Mapping Between NICE CXone and SearchUnify
This article visualizes the mapping between the fields found on the NICE CXone (formerly MindTouch) frontend and the SearchUnify fields under the tab NICE CXone Content Source > Edit > Rules. Using this document you can pick the right fields for crawling and indexing in SearchUnify.
Here's an example: The highlighted area in the image is called path_seo in NICE CXone but its name in SearchUnify is path.#text.
Search Field Name | Fields from API Response & Description | Visual Representation at NICE CXone Front-End |
id | @id (It is page identification) | |
title | title (It displays the title) | |
draft_state | @draft.state (It stores the draft info {active, inactive, unpublished} ) | |
deleted | @deleted (It stores info of if the page is deleted or archived) | |
date | date.created (It is a representation of the page's creation timestamp) | |
language | language (The page language) | |
namespace | namespace (Is the page in the template directory or a child of the home page in the page hierarchy? It can be (main, template)) | |
path_seo | path.#text (The page URL path) | |
views | Metrics.metric.views (Number of page viewers and is provided by NICE CXone itself) | |
view_href | uri.ui (The external URL to which the page URL will be redirected) | |
article | article (It stores the article type that is selected on the particular page) | |
post_time | date.created (For internal use it includes the date and time of the crawling period) | |
modified_time | date.modified (It is a representation of the page's modification timestamp) | |
edited_time | date.edited (It is a representation of the page's edited timestamp) | |
tags | tag.title (It includes tags that were added while implementing page settings) | |
articleType | article: (It identifies article types if selected while implementing page settings) | |
reviewerType | reviewer: (It identifies reviewer types if selected while implementing page settings) | |
authorsType | author: (It identifies the author if selected while implementing page settings) | |
alltags | Tag.title, article:, reviewer: , author: (For internal use, it includes tags, author, review, articles types ) | |
permissions | Grant.user.username , (For internal use It sets viewable content in SearchUnify searches. It is mandatory for page-level permissions) | |
searchableTags | Tag.title (For internal use it includes the date and time of the crawling period) | |
count_rating | @count (It gives a count of users who have given ratings) | |
score_rating | @score (It gives a score given by the user in rating) | |
text | text (Content saved on the page) | |
category | (For internal use, it contains a hierarchy of a particular page with parent page addresses) | |
categoryname_category_nested | (For internal use, it contains a hierarchy of a particular page with parent page name and addresses) | |
attachments_content | file.filename (For internal use, it stores the content of all attachments) | |
attachments_url | file.contents.@href (For internal use, It stores the public URLs of all attachments) | |
attachment | files (It includes an attachment file with all the necessary information) | |
full__page__html | (For internal use, it includes text fields with a wrapper of html) |