Set up Related Tiles

This feature is not available in the SearchUnify Cloud Edition.

Related Tiles fetches a list of documents similar to the top result. The similarity is measured by analyzing mapper fields , which an admin selects.

Before the mapper fields are selected, an admin defines source and destination content sources, which are usually the same.

Define Source and Destination Content Sources

  1. Navigate to Related Tiles in Knowledge Graph and click Add Relation.

  2. Enter the details.
    • Relation Name: Enter any name.
    • Search Client: Pick the search client for which you have enabled Knowledge Graph.
    • Content Source (Source): Select a content source.
    • Content Source (Destination): Select (usually) the same content source.

  3. Click Add Relation to save.

Next, the mapper fields are specified. While specifying mapper fields, an admin also decides a heading for the list of related documents and the hypertext for each document.

Specify Source and Destination Mapper Fields

  1. Click to view existing mappings or create new ones.

  2. Click Add Relation.

  3. Enter the details:
    • Object -> Mapper Object: A content type from the source content field.
    • Object -> Mapping Object. A content type from the destination content field.
    • Field -> Mapper Field (left). A content field that the search term will be compared against.
    • Field -> Mapper Field (right). A content field from which similar values will be found.
    • Tag Line: A heading for the list of similar documents. It's usually "Related Links."
    • Heading 1. The list is a collection of hyperlinks. Select the value to show as the hypertext.

  4. Click Save Relation.

An Example of Related Tiles