Turn Off Did You Mean Suggestions for Keywords

Suggestions from Did You Mean are useful when a query is misspelled or low frequency. But sometimes, an admin might want to turn it off for certain keywords. Those keywords could be product names that aren't part of the standard language.

Consider the case of Copy-Cat Organization who has come up with a brand new insect repellant, "Salesforc". After winning the battle to get it trademarked, they are now confronted with another challenge. Every time a customer looks up "salesforc", Did You Mean suggests "Salesforce."

An enraged manager calls their SearchUnify admin who solves the problem almost immediately by adding "salesforc" in Suggestion Removal.

Remove Did You Mean Suggestions for a Keyword

  1. Go to NLP Manager and open Suggestion Removal.

  2. Select a search client, then click Add Text.

  3. Enter a keyword in the field and click Submit.

The added keyword would be visible on the Suggestion Removal screen.


Did You Mean no longer displays suggestions for the added keyword.