Create Your Own Search Interface with SearchUnify Search API
Bring highly customized cognitive search to your website, app, or any internal or external platform with Search API, which brings the best of two worlds: A powerful, ready-to-use search server that can be connected with a highly customized search interface on a platform of your choice
How It Works
SearchUnify Search API allows teams create their own search interfaces—minimal or elaborate—on a platform of their choice all the while sticking to brand guidelines, without hobbling them with the mammoth task of designing a search engine from scratch. SearchUnify provides the latter.
Search API
To start using Search API
- Purchase a SearchUnify license
- Get Client ID and Client Secret with an API App
- Get Access and Refresh Token Using curl
- Using theSearch API endpoints, start making calls
Gather Analytics
Once the search is functional, you can set up analytics to quickly retrieve data on more than 30 metrics. Setting up analytics involves three steps:
Page View Analytics with an.js
Copy <script type="text/javascript" src="<client_url>/resources/Allow/an.js?uid=<uid>"></script>
, and insert it in the header of your search interface. an.js
gathers data on page views.
Search Analytics
Call gza()
each time a search response is received from the frontend.
gza("search", {
searchString: <search string>,
result_count: <total number of results>,
page_no: <current search result page number>,
uid: <uid>,
filter: <filters selected object>
Conversion Analytics
Call gza()
each time a result is clicked.
{ index:
type: result['objName'], id:
rank: rank,
convUrl: result['href'],
convSub: result['highlight']
[0] });
The function returns a result set and in the response result is a single result item which should include the following keys:
_id, href
is calculated on the basis of pagesize, rank of the result clicked and current page. The formula is