Assisted Self Solve Volume (Explicit Deflection)

The Assisted Self Solve Volume (Explicit Definition) report provides a clear view of your Knowledge Management (KM) system's role in reducing support case volume and improving customer self-service. You can view this report in Admin Panel > Search Analytics > Leadership Dashboard > Business on Page.


The Assisted Self Solve Volume (Explicit Definition) report works only for Salesforce content sources.

With the Assisted Self Solve Volume (Implicit Deflection) report, you will get information on these seven key metrics: Stage 2 Search Sessions, Case created Sessions, Click Sessions (Stage 2), KM Effectiveness, Click Exit (stage 2), KM% Used in Web Cases, and Case Deflection Rate. All data is displayed for the past six quarters.

  • Support Sessions or Stage 2 Search Sessions is the total number of sessions in which the users interact with the case creation form. The case creation form is a page where the users can log a case. The interactions on the case creation page don't always lead to case creation. While logging a case, the user may find help articles and not log a case. So Stage 2 Search Sessions are always equal to or greater than Case Created Sessions.

  • Total Web Cases Logged or (Case created Sessions) is the total number of cases logged through the case creation page.

  • KM Used in Web Cases or (Click Sessions (Stage 2)) is the total number of sessions in which a user interacts on a case creation form, finds a helpful article, and clicks on the article.

  • Case Volume Deflected or (Click Exit (Stage 2)is the total number of sessions in which a user interacts on a case creation form, finds a helpful article, clicks on the article, and does not log a case. It is the total number of cases deflected on the case creation page.

  • KM% Used in Web Cases measures the number of times a user clicks on a knowledge article to self-serve. It is the share of users who interact with the case creation form and click at least one article.

  • Case Deflection % is the actual case deflection. It is the ratio of users who interact with the case creation form, click at least one article, and do not log a case.

  • KM Effectiveness % is the actual performance of your knowledge base article. It is the share of users who landed on the case deflection page, found a help article, clicked on it, and didn't log a case.

Hover the cursor over a quarter column to view the detailed data for that quarter.

Fig. Snapshot of the Assisted Case Solve Volume (Explicit Definition) report with details of quarterly data.

To get the exact numbers instead of the rounded off figures, you can download or email the report.

Fig. Snapshot of the downloaded Assisted Self Solve Volume (Explicit Definition) report.