Gather User Feedback with Page Rating

Page Rating is a widget that displays a feedback question and collects reader responses. It is usually added to help center articles, knowledge base pages, and Salesforce communities, where it produces the message Was This Article Helpful?. (The message is only displayed when certain conditions are fulfilled. See the next section for details.)

The data on responses is collected through the Yes and No buttons and stored in a report also named Page Rating. You can view the report in Search Analytics.

When Does Page Rating Asks for Feedback?

Page Rating asks the feedback question when a user lands from a Source page to a Landing page. Regular expressions are used to define SOURCE and LANDING pages.


It is recommended to use search results pages as SOURCE.

Define Source and Landing

  1. Log into SearchUnify, navigate to the menu bar on the left, and click Search Clients.
  2. Select a search client for editing and scroll right to the Page Rating window.
  3. Define Source in Enter Regex for Search Instance URL and give it a name in Enter Instance Name.

  4. Click Add.
  5. Define Landing in Enter Regex for URL and give it a name in Enter Name.

  6. Click Add and Save.

You will return to the Manage Search Clients screen.

Select a Platform for Using Page Rating

Activate Page Rating

  1. On the Manage Search Clients screen, click of the search client that you downloaded in the previous section.
  2. Navigate to Analytics Settings and check Page Rating Feedback.

Page Rating is now actively collecting and storing feedback from your help center, knowledge base, or the pages where the script and div were inserted.