Test Your Tuning

Test Your Tuning replicates search client behavior. You can navigate to Test Your Tuning after making changes in Auto Tuning; Keyword Tuning; Content Source, Type, and Field Tuning; and Custom Tuning, where it's possible to measure the impact of changes.


The results in Test Your Tuning don't always match the results in your search client because Test Your Tuning ignores all access control settings.


In order to use, select a search client, go to Test Your Tuning, and turn on Apply Bypass Formula. Then, run searches. If you test often on a search client, you can even bookmark it by clicking in Select Search Client. In the image, "field-boosting-content-uat" is a bookmarked search client.

Viewing the results of your tweaks in Test Your Tuning is quicker than launching several separate search engines.

Apply Bypass Formula

The search box can be influenced by the keyword and intent tuning you have already employed, which is great for end-users but not when you are trying to tune results. To negate the impact of tuning and view all results, toggle on Apply Bypass Formula. Turning it on allows admins to see all the results for a search query irrespective of the current tuning settings.

Scoring Explanations

Next to each search result is a tile illustrating the role of tuning in a document's rank. Which quantifies the impact of Intent, Keyword, Content, and Custom on a search result. The hypothetical rank without new tuning settings is captured in Old Rank. The impact of tuning, positive or negative, is displayed next. In the image, you can see that Field Boosting has increased the rank of the document by seven stops. Finally, New Rank shows the actual rank.

Email Results

The results of a Test Your Tuning search can be shared over email as a CSV file. To start sharing, click Email Results.

Enter the email of the person who is to receive the CSV file. To share the CSV file with more than one person, insert a comma between to email addresses. Then select the number of results to be shared and click Send.

Email Results Report

The person with whom the report is shared receives an email from noreply@searchunify.com. with SearchUnify: SEARCH CLIENT NAME  'Test your Tuning' search results in the subject line.

The report is titled 'Test your Tuning' Search Results.csv and is attached.

In the report are eight columns:

  • ID. A unique number assigned to each result. For content sources of type Website and API, the value in the ID field is equal to a document's URL.
  • Title. The title field of a the result.
  • Link. The hyperlink to the result.
  • Content Source. The content source that hosts the result.
  • Content Type. The content type that hosts the result.
  • Score. Relevancy score for the query.
  • Metadata. The information stored in metadata fields.
  • Solve. Only for Salesforce cases. The value is either Solved or another status configured in your org.