Content Sources FAQ

Newly-published articles typically appear in search within 15 minutes, assuming they are indexed immediately after publishing.

SearchUnify can crawl, index, and search content in more than 30 languages, including Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Thai.

We crawl content sources at a predefined frequency. If you need an off-cycle refresh, please contact professional services to refresh the search index to avoid any technical issues. There are no additional charges for this. The turnaround time is 24 hours.

You don't need to refresh the entire Search Unify. You can raise a ticket with the updated names and we'll sync those names at our end.

To view the crawled fields, go to Content Sources > Zendesk > Edit > Rules.
Use Add/Edit to view and edit the fields that will be crawled.
Details are available on Use Zendesk As a Content Source

Yes, crawl your content source at regular intervals.

The best practice is to set a regular recrawl interval, which can be a hour, a day, a week, or even a year.
Manual crawls can be considered if you are confronted if any of the following scenarios:
- You have added any new field on knowledge base articles
- Many of your extant articles have been modified
- There is new content available that should be indexed
- After new categorization or classification

Go to Content Sources > Crawl Logs. More information on View Crawl Logs

YouTube channels with names consisting entirely of or starting with a letter that's not part of the English alphabet are indexed in first element of A-Z index. The element is 0-9. Всенаука, Église, or サイエンス・フィクション will all be under 0-9.
For channel names that start with an English letter, but include non-ASCII letters in the middle or the end, the channel is to be found in the element matching the first English letter: NIHONサイエンス・フィクション under N, Science-et-Église under S, and Vseнаука under V.
SearchUnify can index content sources and search texts in multiple languages. However, this Rules tab in Content Source is an exception, where each non-ASCII letter is replaced by a question mark (?). It can be a challenge to recognize your channel if it's written solely in Russian or Japanese. Science-et-Église becomes Science-et-?glise, NIHONサイエンス・フィクション becomes NIHON??????????, and Vseнаука becomes Vse?????.

The record ID of an article in global search can be different from its ID in the SearchUnify instance when a SearchUnify admin deletes an article from their org instead of archiving it. Salesforce prevents SearchUnify from retrieving the details of the deleted articles. However, SearchUnify can capture the details of the archived articles.
Archiving articles, instead of deleting them, has two benefits:
Archived articles don't up in search
Record IDs are the same in the global search and in the SearchUnify instance