Add and Import Intents and Utterances; Use Smart Suggestions

Under the Intent tab in NLP Manager, admins can add new intents and further add utterances to these intents. Another option to import intents and utterances is there as well.

In Smart Suggestions, user search queries are analyzed and grouped into Intents and Utterances. By including the results of this analysis into the search algorithm, an admin can configure the results to respond to user intent instead of merely user keywords. The trained data in Intent can then be extended to Intent Tuning.

Add Intent

  1. Navigate to NLP Manager -> Intent, and click Add New.

  2. A dialog box opens. Fill in the Intent Name of your choice and the Intent Description(OPTIONAL). Then click Save.

Add Utterances

  1. Click on the intent to which you want to add an utterance. Alternatively, you can click from the Action column.

  2. Enter an utterance and click Add new utterances to save it.


    For machine learning algorithms to work effectively, each intent must have at least five different utterances.


When you try to edit an existing intent, NLP Manager can suggest utterances.

Import Intents

An alternative way to add intents is to import them. Click to download a sample file. The file contains the correct intent format.

Create a new file with the intents and upload it using Upload Intent.

Expand Utterances with Use Search Synonyms

When activated, this functionality treats synonyms of any utterance present in Search Synonyms as another utterance.

For example, if you have an utterance "SU" for the intent "Cognitive Search" in NLP Manager. And if "SU" has a search synonym "SearchUnify". Then, NLP Manager will treat both "SU" and SearchUnify" as utterances of "Cognitive Search".


Deleting an Intent

  1. To delete an Intent, click in Action.

Deleting an Utterance

  1. To delete an utterance, find it in the specific intent and click .


If all utterances are deleted under an intent, then the intent is also automatically deleted.

Intent Suggestions

Admin can click on Intent Suggestions to get smart suggestions for adding intents and utterances to the existing list or create new ones. NLP Manager can suggest up to 30 utterances for each intent.

Create New Intents from Suggestions

To create a new intent with the utterances, select the intent. Then, from the three dots under the Action column, click Move Intent. All utterances are selected when you check an intent. In the image, intent Undefined 3 has been selected.

Give the intent a name and click Move.

Add Suggested Utterances to an Intent

Select utterances. Then, from the three dots under the Action column, click on Move Utterance. In the image, utterances based and based application have been selected.

Select the intent to which those utterances should be linked and click Move.

Delete Suggested Intents or Utterances

Select the intent or utterance(s) and from the three dots expand the Action column and click on Remove. In the image, utterance docs has been selected for removal.

Train Intents

This step is crucial. Any additions and updates you've made so far may be rendered useless if you don't train the system on the updated data. Therefore, ensure you click Train Intents at the end of the course.