Log Cases in SearchUnify Community
Help is now available on the SearchUnify community. You can register and log a case.
Log a Case
Go to community.searchunify.com and log in. Then, click Support.
On the Support page, click Create a Case.
A case form opens in a new tab. When you enter the Subject, the community displays a few help articles in Suggested Results. The articles are based on an analysis of the subject. Check them out because a document in the list can save you much time and might eliminate your need to contact support.
If no relevant article was found, then go ahead with case creation. The case form requires several details, including
Description. Describe your issue. Include all the details that a support rep will need to reproduce the problem. It’s OK to over-communicate as long as the details don’t hinder understanding.
Priority. This section helps the team understand the impact of your issue on your business and influences ticket prioritization.
Application Environment. Select the environment where the issue occurred. The possibilities are: All, Production, or Sandbox.
Content Source Name (Optional). Mention the name of the Content Source where the issue occurred.
Search Client Name (Optional). Mention the name of the Search Client with where the issue occurred.
Attachment (Optional). In case of specific queries or errors, take a screenshot or a video, and upload it to assist support reps. Files supported are: Images: PNG, GIF, Docs: DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, Data: CSV, XLSX, and Multimedia: MP4, MOV.
Maximum size: 3MB is the maximum allowed size for a file. If you are uploading more than one file, the cumulative size of all the files cannot exceed 20MB.
Click Submit.