Thursday, March 7, 2024
Thursday, March 7, 2024

SearchUnify Release Notes (v23.06)

SearchUnify is moving from two releases a year to a release each month. Instead of waiting half-a-year, the customers will receive new features and security updates at the end of each month. The increased frequency will accelerate innovation, while at the same time, the tiny size of each release will make it easier for customers to upgrade the instance.

The first monthly release introduces a new content source, updates in existing content sources, and security enhancements.

Content Sources

New Content Source: Document360

Document360 is a popular knowledge management tool. It’s now in the list of supported content sources. If your business uses Document360 for knowledge management, you can add it as a content source.

Link: Use Document360 as a Content Source

Better Security on Help Scout Authentication

A new, more secure way has been introduced to crawl content from Help Scout. Earlier, it was done through Docs API and Mailbox API keys. But now, Mailbox API has been replaced with app-based authentication.

Link: Get Help Scout Docs API Key, App ID, and App Secret

Specify Account Type in Dropbox

You can specify your Dropbox account type while authenticating it in SearchUnify: Business or personal.

The authentication process has been updated for the business accounts, who now need Client ID and client secret to complete the authentication. However, for personal accounts, nothing changes.

Also, support for the Paper object has been removed. The files with the .paper extension can be crawled under the Files object.

Link: Use Dropbox As a Content Source

Crawl Vimeo Folders or Channels

You can crawl your Vimeo video library by specifying either Folders or Channels under the By Channel tab. Earlier, admins could crawl videos only by Channels. When no channel or project has been selected, then all the videos are crawled.

Link: Use Vimeo As a Content Source

Webhook for Event Subscription in Docebo and Box Content Sources

Deleted data in your Box and Docebo content sources reflects in the SearchUnify index in real time. This has been made possible by enabling event subscription using webhooks, which an admin can configure themselves.

Link: Creating a Webhook in Box for Event Subscription

Link: Creating a Webhook in Docebo LMS for Event Subscription

New Index Update Frequencies

When users run searches, their queries are matched against a content source index instead of content source data. Earlier, files removed from the content source remained in the index for a long time, which caused broken links. With this bug fix, the index updates regularly. To find the frequency of index updates, check out these content source articles:  Google Drive, Service Now, Confluence, Azure, Dropbox, Box, Higher Logic, GitHub, MindTouch, Slack, Docebo, Microsoft Dynamics, Zendesk, and Jira.


Out-of-the-box Support to New Identity Providers

Okta and Azure were already supported. SSO support in SearchUnify has now been extended to OneLogin and any other identity provider that supports SAML 2.0.

Link: SAML 2.0: Log Into SearchUnify with an Identity Provider

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